
Photo credits: Esat Özcan

Thank you, Esat.


  1. Medial cord
  2. Radial nerve


  1. Abductor digiti minimi
  2. Abductor pollicis brevis
  3. Abductor pollicis longus
  4. Adductor pollicis
  5. Anconeus
  6. Anterior interosseous artery (branch of the ulnary artery)
  7. Anterior interosseus nerve
  8. Axillary artery
  9. Bicipital aponeurosis
  10. Brachial artery
  11. Brachialis
  12. Brachioradialis
  13. Common palmar digital artery
  14. Common palmar digital nerve
  15. Coracobrachialis
  16. Deep  branch of radial nerve
  17. Deep palmar arch
  18. Deep palmar branch of ulnar artery
  19. Deltoid
  20. Dorsal digital artery
  21. Dorsal digital nerve
  22. Dorsal interossei
  23. Dorsal metacarpal artery
  24. Extensor carpi radialis brevis
  25. Extensor carpi radialis longus
  26. Extensor carpi ulnaris
  27. Extensor digiti minimi
  28. Extensor digitorum
  29. Extensor pollicis brevis
  30. Extensor retinaculum
  31. Flexor carpi radialis
  32. Flexor carpi ulnaris
  33. Flexor digiti minimi brevis
  34. Flexor digitorum profundus
  35. Flexor digitorum superficialis
  36. Flexor pollicis brevis
  37. Flexor pollicis longus
  38. Flexor retinaculum
  39. Inferior cutaneous nerve of arm branch of the radial nerve)
  40. Lateral cutaneous nerve of forearm
  41. Long head of biceps brachii
  42. Lumbrical
  43. Median nerve
  44. Musculocutaneous nerve
  45. Opponens digiti minimi
  46. Opponens pollicis
  47. Palmar interossei
  48. Palmar metacarpal artery
  49. Palmaris longus
  50. Posterior cutaneous nerve of arm branch of the radial nerve
  51. Pronator teres
  52. Proper palmar digital artery
  53. Proper palmar digital nerve
  54. Radial artery
  55. Short head of biceps brachii
  56. Subscapularis
  57. Superficial branch of radial nerve
  58. Superficial palmar arch
  59. Superficial palmar branch  of radial artery
  60. Supinator
  61. Tendon of extensor carpi radialis brevis
  62. Tendon of extensor carpi radialis longus
  63. Tendon of extensor carpi ulnaris
  64. Tendon of extensor digit minimi
  65. Tendon of extensor digitorum
  66. Tendon of extensor indicis
  67. Tendon of extensor pollicis brevis
  68. Tendon of extensor pollicis longus
  69. Tendon of flexor carpi radialis
  70. Tendon of flexor digitorum profundus
  71. Tendon of flexor digitorum superficialis
  72. Tendon of flexor pollicis longus
  73. Ulnar artery
  74. Ulnar nerve


  1. Axillary nerve
  2. Circumflex scapular artery
  3. Infraspinatus
  4. Lateral  head of triceps brachii
  5. Long head of triceps brachii
  6. Posterior humeral circumflex artery
  7. Supraspinatus
  8. Teres major
  9. Teres minor
  10. Triangular space


  1. Pectoralis major
  2. Pectoralis minör
  3. Serratus anterior
  4. Subclavius


  1. Latissimus dorsi
  2. Levator scapulae
  3. Rhomboid major
  4. Rhomboid minör
  5. Serratus posterior inferior
  6. Serratus posterior superior
  7. Thoracolumbar fascia
  8. Trapezius


  1. Adductor brevis
  2. Adductor canal (Hunter canal)
  3. Adductor longus
  4. Adductor magnus
  5. Adductor minimus
  6. Femoral artery
  7. Femoral nerve
  8. Femoral vein
  9. Gemellus inferior
  10. Gemellus superior
  11. Gluteus maximus
  12. Gluteus medius
  13. Gracilis
  14. Ilıopsoas
  15. Iliacus
  16. Iliotibial tract
  17. Inferior gluteal artery
  18. Inguinal ligament
  19. Long head of biceps femoris
  20. Obturator artery
  21. Obturator internus
  22. Obturator nerve
  23. Pectineus
  24. Piriformis
  25. Popliteal artery
  26. Popliteal vein
  27. Popliteus
  28. Profunda femoris artery
  29. Psoas major
  30. Quadratus femoris
  31. Rectus femoris
  32. Sacral plexus
  33. Saphenous nerve
  34. Sartorius
  35. Sciatic nerve
  36. Semimembranousus
  37. Semitendinosus
  38. Short head of biceps femoris
  39. Superior gluteal artery
  40. Tendon of adductor magnus
  41. Tendon of rectus femoris
  42. Tensor fascia latae
  43. Vastus intermedius
  44. Vastus lateralis
  45. Vastus medialis


  1. Abductor digiti minimi
  2. Abductor hallucis
  3. Anterior tibial artery
  4. Calcaneal tendon (Achilles tendon)
  5. Common dorsal digital nerve
  6. Common peroneal (fibular) nerve
  7. Common plantar digital nerve
  8. Deep peroneal (fibular) nerve
  9. Deep plantar arch
  10. Dorsalis pedis artery
  11. Extensor digitorum brevis
  12. Extensor hallucis brevis
  13. Flexor digiti minimi brevis
  14. Flexor digitorum brevis
  15. Flexor digitorum longus
  16. Flexor hallucis brevis
  17. Flexor hallucis longus
  18. Inferior extensor retinaculum
  19. Inferior peroneal retinaculum
  20. Interossei plantaris
  21. Lateral head of gastrocnemius
  22. Lateral plantar artery & nerve
  23. Lumbrical
  24. Medial head of gastrocnemius
  25. Medial plantar artery & nerve
  26. Peroneus longus
  27. Peroneus brevis
  28. Pes anserinus
  29. Plantar metatarsal artery
  30. Popliteal vein
  31. Popliteus
  32. Posterior tibial artery
  33. Proper dorsal digital nerve & artery
  34. Proper plantar digital artery & nerve
  35. Quadratus plantae
  36. Soleus
  37. Superficial peroneal (fibular) nerve
  38. Superior peroneal retinaculum
  39. Tendon of extensor digitorum
  40. Tendon of extensor digitorum longus
  41. Tendon of extensor hallucis longus
  42. Tendon of flexor digitorum longus
  43. Tendon of flexor hallucis longus
  44. Tendon of tibialis anterior
  45. Tibial nerve
  46. Tibialis anterior
  47. Tibialis posterior
  48. Transverse head of adductor hallucis
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Superficial muscles of the back Lab


Superficial Muscles of the Back & Pectoral Region

  1. Latissimus dorsi (2)
  2. Levator scapulae (2)
  3. Pectoralis major (3,4)
  4. Pectoralis minor (3,4)
  5. Rhomboid major (2)
  6. Rhomboid minor (2)
  7. Serratus anterior (3,4)
  8. Serratus posterior inferior (2)
  9. Serratus posterior superior (2)
  10. Subclavius (3,4)
  11. Thoracolumbar fascia (2)
  12. Trapezius (2)


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Pectoral region Lab

Figure 3. Pectoral region

Figure 4. Pectoral region- a closer look

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Shoulder Lab


Shoulder & Arm

  1. Bicipital aponeurosis (7)
  2. Brachial artery (7)
  3. Coracobrachialis (6,7)
  4. Infraspinatus (5)
  5. Lateral head of triceps brachii (5)
  6. Long head of biceps brachii (6)
  7. Short head of biceps brachii (6)
  8. Supraspinatus  (5)
  9. Teres minor (5)

Figure 5. Shoulder-posterior view

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Arm, Forearm & Hand Lab



  1. Abductor pollicis longus (11,12,13)
  2. Anconeus (12)
  3. Anterior interosseus nerve (8)
  4. Anterior interossues artery (branch of the ulnar artery) (8)
  5. Brachioradialis (6,12,13)
  6. Deep branch of radial nerve (10)
  7. Extensor carpi radialis brevis (12,13)
  8. Extensor carpi radialis longus (12,13)
  9. Extensor carpi ulnaris (12,13)
  10. Extensor digiti minimi (12)
  11. Extensor digitorum (12,13)
  12. Extensor pollicis brevis (11,12,13)
  13. Flexor carpi radialis (6,9)
  14. Flexor carpi ulnaris (6,8)
  15. Flexor digitorum profundus (8)
  16. Flexor digitorum superficialis (6,9)
  17. Flexor pollicis longus (8,9,16)
  18. Lateral cutaneous nerve of forearm (10)
  19. Median nerve (8)
  20. Palmaris longus (6,9,15,16)
  21. Pronator teres (6)
  22. Radial artery (8,10,15,16)
  23. Superficial branch of radial nerve (8,9,10,11)
  24. Supinator (10)
  25. Tendon of extensor carpi radialis brevis (14)
  26. Tendon of extensor carpi radialis longus (14)
  27. Tendon of extensor carpi ulnaris (14)
  28. Tendon of extensor digiti minimi (14)
  29. Tendon of extensor indicis (12,13,14)
  30. Tendon of extensor pollicis brevis (11,12)
  31. Tendon of extensor pollicis longus (11,12,13,14)
  32. Tendon of flexor carpi radialis (16)
  33. Ulnar artery (8,9,10,15,16)
  34. Ulnar nerve (8,9,15,16)

Figure 6. Anterior aspect of the arm & forearm 

Figure 7. Anterior aspect of the arm 

Figure 8. Anterior aspect of the forearm-deep

Figure 8. Anterior aspect of the forearm-deep



  1. Abductor digiti minimi (15)
  2. Abductor pollicis brevis (9,15,16)
  3. Adductor pollicis (15,16)
  4. Common palmar digital artery (9)
  5. Common palmar digital nerve (15)
  6. Deep palmar arch (16)
  7. Deep palmar branch of the ulnar artery (9,15)
  8. Dorsal digital artery (14)
  9. Dorsal digital nerve (14)
  10. Dorsal interossei (11,13,14)
  11. Dorsal metacarpal artery (14)
  12. Extensor retinaculum (11, 12,131,4,15)
  13. Flexor digiti minimi brevis (15)
  14. Flexor pollicis brevis (9,15,16)
  15. Flexor retinaculum (9)
  16. Lumbrical (15)
  17. Median nerve (9)
  18. Opponens digiti minimi (16)
  19. Opponens pollicis (15,16)
  20. Palmar interossei (16)
  21. Palmar metacarpal artery (16)
  22. Proper palmar digital artery (15,16)
  23. Proper palmar digital nerve (15,16)
  24. Superficial palmar arch (9, 15)
  25. Superficial palmar branch of radial artery (9,14)
  26. Tendon of flexor digitorum profundus (16)
  27. Tendon of flexor digitorum superficialis (16)
  28. Tendon of flexor pollicis longus (16)

29. Palmar aponeurosis (17)

30. Superficial branch of ulnar nerve (18)

31. Deep branch of ulnar nerve (18)

Figure 9. Anterior forearm & palmar surface of the hand

Figure 10. Forearm -deep

Figure 11. Forearm distal-lateral view

Figure 12. Posterior aspect of the arm & forearm

Figure 13. Posterior aspect of the forearm

Figure 14. Hand & Wrist- Posterior view

Hand and wrist posterior view

Figure 15. Hand-palmar surface

Figure 16. Hand-palmar surface-deep

Figure 17. Palmar aponeurosis

Palmar aponeurosis.labelled

Figure 18. Superficial branch of ulnar nerve & Deep branch of ulnar nerve

Superficial and deep branches of ulnar nerve



  1. Anterior interosseus nerve (8)
  2. Anterior interossues artery (branch of the ulnar artery) (8)
  3. Axillary artery (1,6,7)
  4. Axillary nerve (1,5)
  5. Circumflex scapular artery (5,7)
  6. Deep branch of radial nerve (10)
  7. Lateral cutaneous nerve of forearm (10)
  8. Median nerve (6,7,8,9,)
  9. Musculocutaneous nerve (7)
  10. Posterior circumflex humeral artery (1,5)
  11. Radial artery (8,10,15,16)
  12. Radial nerve (1)
  13. Superficial branch of radial nerve (8,9,10,11)
  14. Ulnar artery (8,9,10,15,16)
  15. Ulnar nerve (6,7,8,9,15,16)
  16. A. profunda brachii (next to radial nerve) (19)

Figure 19. A. profunda brachii

A. profunda brachii

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Skull bones-unlabelled

Figure 1. Base of the skull

Figure 2. Occipital bone-interior view

Figure 3. Hypoglossal canal


Figure 4. Skull-lateral view


Figure 5. Viscerocranium-skeleton of the face



Figure 6. Skull-coronal section


Figure 7. Skull-inferior view


Figure 8. Skull-posterior view


Figure 9. Mandible- anterior view


Figure 10. Mandible-lateral view


Figure 11. Mandible-interior view



Figure 12. Calvaria-superior view

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Skull bones


  1. alveolar process of maxilla (5)
  2. angle of the mandible (10)
  3. anterior clinoid process (1)
  4. anterior nasal spine (5)
  5. body of the mandible (10)
  6. bregma (12)
  7. carotid canal (7)
  8. cerebellar fossa (2)
  9. cerebral fossa (2)
  10. choana (7)
  11. clivus (1)
  12. condylar proces (9,10,11)
  13. coronal suture (4,12)
  14. coronoid process (9,10,11)
  15. cribriform plate of ethmoid bone (1)
  16. crista galli (1)
  17. dorsum sellae (1)
  18. external acoustic meatus opening (4)
  19. external occipital crest (7)
  20. external occipital protuberance (7,8)
  21. foramen lacerum (1,7)
  22. foramen magnum (1,2)
  23. foramen ovale (1,7)
  24. foramen rotundum (1)
  25. foramen spinosum (1,7)
  26. frontal crest (1)
  27. frontal process of maxilla (5)
  28. frontal process of zygomatic bone (4)
  29. glabella (5)
  30. greater wing of sphenoid bone (1,4)
  31. head of the mandible (9)
  32. hypoglossal canal (1,3)
  33. hypohyseal fossa (1)
  34. incisive foramen/fossa (7)
  35. inferior nasal concha (6)
  36. infraorbital foramen (5)
  37. intermaxillary suture
  38. internal acoustic meatus (1)
  39. internal occipital  crest (2)
  40. internal occipital protuberance (2)
  41. jugular foramen (1,7)
  42. lambda (8)
  43. lambdoid suture (8)
  44. lateral pterygoid plate (6,7)
  45. lesser wing of sphenoid bone (1)
  46. lingula (11)
  47. mandibular foramen (11)
  48. mandibular fossa (7)
  49. mandibular notch (9,10,11)
  50. mastoid notch (7)
  51. mastoid process (4)
  52. medial pterygoid plate (6,7)
  53. mental foramen (9,10)
  54. mental protuberance (9)
  55. mental tubercle (9)
  56. middle clinoid process (1)
  57. middle nasal concha (6)
  58. mylohyoid groove (11)
  59. nasal bone (5,6)
  60. nasion (5)
  61. neck of the mandible (9)
  62. neck of the mandible (9)
  63. oblique line (10)
  64. occipital condyle (7)
  65. optic canal (1)
  66. palatine bone (6)
  67. palatine process of maxilla (6,7)
  68. parietal bone (4)
  69. perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone (6)
  70. petrous part of temporal bone (1)
  71. piriform aperture (5)
  72. posterior clinoid process (1)
  73. posterior nasal spine (7)
  74. pterion  (4)
  75. pterygoid fossa of the mandible (9)
  76. pterygoid fossa of the sphenoid bone (7)
  77. pterygoid hamulus (7)
  78. pyramidal process of palatine bone (7)
  79. ramus of the mandible (10)
  80. sagittal suture (8,12)
  81. sphenoidal crest (1)
  82. squamous part of the frontal bone (4)
  83. squamous part of the temporal bone (4)
  84. styloid process (4,6,7)
  85. stylomastoid foramen (7)
  86. superciliary arch (5)
  87. superior nasal concha (6)
  88. superior nuchal line (7)
  89. superior orbital fissure (1)
  90. supra-orbital margin of the frontal bone (5)
  91. symphysis menti (9)
  92. temporal process of zygomatic bone (4)
  93. tuberculum sellae (1)
  94. vomer (6,7)
  95. zygomatic arch (4)
  96. zygomatic bone (5)
  97. zygomatic process of frontal bone (4,5)
  98. zygomatic process of maxilla (5)
  99. zygomatic process of temporal bone (4)
The number for the figures  where you can see the structure have been given in parantheses.

Figure 1. Base of the skull

Figure 2. Occipital bone-interior view

Figure 3. Hypoglossal canal

Figure 4. Skull-lateral view

Figure 5. Viscerocranium-skeleton of the face

Figure 6. Skull-coronal section

Figure 7. Skull-inferior view

Figure 8. Skull-posterior view

Figure 9. Mandible- anterior view

Figure 10. Mandible-lateral view

Figure 11. Mandible-interior view

Figure 12. Calvaria-superior view

Figure 13. Mandible-posterior view

Coming later….

Figure 14. Lacrimal bone

Coming later.

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